The first experiments to adapt a 3d printer wiht clay were made from 2014-2015.
Few ceramists, but rather designers or university teachers who were already familiar with 3d printers and had the technical and computerknowledge to rise to this challenge.
Here a few of them. All of them have an interesting experience to communicate and participate in the better mastery of this new approach to ceramics.
Special mention for a talented potter Jonathan Keep and his excellent work entirely shared. He has just published A Guide to Clay 3D Printing – The French version is here! Feel free to send us your comments and questions
The “StoneFlower” project, very advanced in free sharing or in shops.
Unfold, the 3D potters, Belgian friends with a website all in French…
Terra Nueva, Yoann Bordes-Pagè’s very successful project, in French, entirely open-source
Olivier Van Herpt, with an impressive delta printer in demonstration at the Crest fablab (France)
Tom Lauerman, double colour champion. With the means of a US university…
The bottery – Emerging objects a project with a call for participatory funds
Jetclay clay extruder – A large delta and detailed extrusion system on Wikifactory.